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Diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma, non mc amplified, on April 8th 2013.


Avery has received 5 rounds of chemotherapy in an effort to shrink her abdominal tumor that has also wrapped itself around her descending aorta.


After undergoing an extensive surgery to remove (resection) the tumor the skilled surgeons at CHOP were able to remove 90 to 95 percent of the tumor.


Prior to her diagnosis, Avery Moskowitz had become lethargic and constantly complaining of stomach pain. Her parents had become concerned as they watched their bright eyed, energetic beautiful 3 year old decompensate right before their eyes. Avery was always sleeping and in stomach pain. Avery was brought to her pediatrician several times and her Mom was told it's probably just a virus. Shara Moskowitz knew something was very wrong with her baby girl and insisted further tests be done. On April 8th 2013, her parent's worsted fears were realized, as the doctors told them the devastating news. Avery Moskowitz was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma, non mc amplified. From that moment on, no longer would Avery be a normal 3 year old little girl. Hospitals, blood draws, nausea and loss of her beautiful curly hair would now become intertwined into her daily routine. On April 8th, 2013, Avery would start the battle of her life!


Avery has received 5 rounds of chemotherapy in an effort to shrink her abdominal tumor that has also wrapped itself around her descending aorta. After undergoing an extensive surgery to remove (resection) the tumor the skilled surgeons at CHOP were able to remove 90 to 95 percent of the tumor. Dr Marris, the miracle worker, had fixed malrotation of her bowels and took her appendix. Due to the numerous chemotherapy treatments, Avery has lost a little bit of her high pitch hearing, and will have to wear hearing aids when she gets a little older.


Since some of the tumor remained, sweet Avery had to suffer yet another round of radioactive therapy; called MIBG therapy. This was hell for Avery and her family during the therapy, she was quarantined and even the nursing staff could not touch her. Her own Mother could not even hold her and give comfort to her child due to the high radioactivity of the therapy.


Through it all Avery manages to smile and face each day. She is truly a little hero. Avery must take her medicine daily; endure shots and flushing lines daily. This beautiful, sweet and loving child has been put through a nightmare and her journey is not over. Her battle for life continues.

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